Dr. Ahmed Sayed

Data Scientist, Cheminformatian and Pharmacokineticist

Pharmaceutical and Informatics business executive
enjoying 10+ years’ advancement.

Consensus approach for modeling HTS assays using in silico descriptors

Posted on 16 Oct 2015 | Comments Off on Consensus approach for modeling HTS assays using in silico descriptors

This page is created to provide extra information on the article: Consensus approach for modeling HTS assays using in silico descriptors

Since the paper discussed multiple approaches for creating consensus models, I did not want to confuse the reader with many links.

If you are interested in the final award-wining models that were used for the Tox21 Data Challenge, you can see them in the table below.

This table will be updated soon with direct links to the consensus models themselves instead of links to the individual models.


Property Ids for models used in building consensus
nr-ahr 411412413
nr-ar 401, 402, 403, 409
nr-ar-lbd 371, 372, 373, 379
nr-aromatase 351
nr-er 421, 426
nr-er-lbd 391, 393
nr-ppar-gamma 361, 362
sr-are 460:469
sr-atad5 451, 453
sr-hse 441, 442
sr-mmp 380:389
sr-p53 431, 433


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