A k-Nearest Neighbor Classification of HERG K+ Channel Blockers
Using Online Tool (iPrior) for Modeling ToxCast™ Assays Towards Prioritization of Animal Toxicity Testing
Prediction-driven matched molecular pairs to interpret QSARs and aid the molecular optimization process
Persistence and dioxin-like toxicity of carbazole and chlorocarbazoles in soil
The QSPR-THESAURUS: The online platform of the CADASTER project
Online chemical modeling environment (OCHEM): web platform for data storage, model development and publishing of chemical information
Talks and invited lectures
Machine-learning applications in clinical research, (Technical University of Munich, GRK Seminar, May 2016)
Tox21 Challenge To Build Predictive Models of Nuclear Receptor and Stress-Response Pathways As Mediated by Exposure to Environmental Toxicants and Drugs, (SOT New Orleans, March 2016)
The AOP community outreach – AOP-XML: A format standard between AOP-KB modules and interested third parties, (OpenTox Basel, March 2016)
QSAR modeling for the evaluation of Aryl Hydrocarbon receptor activators; and
Analyzing Toxcast Phase I HTS assays as a potential descriptors (ECO closing conference, September 2013)
SAR in the cloud; OCHEM, a free online platform for modeling and interpretation (EPFL Workshop on chemical information, August 2013)
QSAR modeling for the evaluation of Aryl hydrocarbon receptor activators (244th ACS meeting, August 2012)
Combining HTS in vitro assays with in silico descriptors for liver toxicity modeling (244th ACS meeting, August 2012)
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Inst. Fur Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften Bereich Pharmazeutische Chemie, Graz, Austria
Drug design summer school 2007 & 2008 – Tuebingen, Germany
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